Thursday 12 April 2012

ATI Insults

Your light has gone out

You don’t have a courtship spirit

You’re an energy waster

You’re out from your umbrella of protection

You’re such a prophet!

You’re not demonstrating your God given ability to be attentive

You have an unteachable spirit

You’re such a bad influence

Passive rebellion is still rebellion young lady!

You don’t have a radiant countenance

Satan wants the firstborn

You’re still standing up on the inside

You have fewer kids than us

You’re such a mercy!

You have dark eyes

Your mom wears the pants in the family

You’re a committed fool

Delayed obedience is still disobedience

You have too much of an independent spirit to ever get married

If you question your God-given authorities you will never have a good life

Rebellion is the same as witchcraft, you are practicing witchcraft

I’m grieved to see that you’re displaying a rotten attitude


You’re going straight to the prayer closet in a hand basket

Liar Liar culottes on fire

Don’t get your quiver all in a twist

Kiss my white collared shirt

You can take your whole yielded stack of minute books and encourage them right up your shamefaced countenance without so much as a sin of a forefather on my clear conscience and put it where your eyes don’t shine

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