Thursday 12 April 2012

Contradictions from the IFB church

I love you, and that’s why I hate you

I’m totally separated from the world so that I can reach the world

I have a mind that is so chaste and pure that I constantly obsess about sin and impurity

I’m humble and so proud of that fact

I am at peace in Jesus so I fight endlessly with family

I study to show myself approved through honorary doctorates and fake degrees

I have the joy of the Lord which is why I am so angry

I am your servant leader which is what makes you my slave

I am a fundamentalist who can’t remember the last time I actually cared, talked about or preached about the real fundamentals

1 comment:

  1. Insightful observations! The true fundamentals center on Christ and his love and grace toward us, toward all mankind. "Standards" should flow from love and not from law/self-righteousness. Two people can be following a similar "standard," the one from a motive of love and a consideration of others, knowing that God accepts him because of Christ's righteousness and that he has none of his own -- the other out of self-righteousness and a belief in his own superiority and merit. But the focus should not be "standards"; our eyes should be looking to the Lord who saved us, though ever undeserving, by his infinite grace.
